A few words about
What We Do
Our projects
Our organization is involved in numerous activities geared towards local communities.
Through awareness, advocacy and capacity development we are addressing current problems or challenges facing majority of the population in Niger-delta region in these our core thematic focus areas:

food security
To promote sustainable agriculture for increased access to adequate food and other resources.
Sensitization and outreaches on achieving sustainable agriculture and food security. Training and demonstrations on sustainable agricultural practices for smallholder farmers, commodity associations, and community clusters. Technical sessions with decision-makers on food security policies and implementation.

maternal health
To reduce maternal mortality and morbidity by institutionalizing safe motherhood initiatives.
Design and conduct public education and media campaign to increase individual health seeking behaviours and inform about emergency obstetric care. In-service training for health workers in the community about family about safe motherhood principles (family planning, ante-natal care, obstetric care, post-natal care, post-abortion care, and control of STIs/HIV/AIDS).

youth entreprise development
To contribute to the development of entreprising, resourceful, healthy, and patriotic young people.
Conduct outreaches on family life education for in-school and community based young people. Engage young people in entrepreneurial skills for economic empowerment. Financial inclusion and business management training for youths in skills training. Media campaigns on issues and strategies for youth empowerment.

social inclusion
To achieve gender equality and social inclusion to empower all women or people with disability.
Mainstream gender inequality and social exclusion awareness on all programs of poverty reduction, safe motherhood and food security. Strengthen linkages and capacity for multi-sectoral response to promote gender-equality and social inclusion. Promote gender equity and gender sensitivity throughout the organization.